Two more runs to go tonight and tomorrow morning, Runner Rocky will then conclude his four major runs for this month of June. But, what is the theme of Runner Rocky's runs for this month of June 2015?
Well every month, yours truly has a running theme. Below are some:
January 2015 - "I Ran !for New Beginnings"
February 2015 - "I Ran for Love"
March 2015 - "I Ran for Scholars"
April 2015 - "I Ran for Mother Earth"
How about for the month of June? Well, for this month, is a run for All First! Why?
It's basically because, my four major runs every week of June were all first! These are the following:
*June 7: Run United 2 2015
- this is my first RU2 run.
*June 21: World Vision Run 2015
- this is my first anniversary run
*June 27: Energizer Night Race 2015
- my first anniversary run as a runner/blogger
*June 28: Li-Ning Manila Run
- the first ever Li-Ning run.
And to complete my "All First" runs, later tonight and tomorrow morning, yours truly will be conquering the Energizer Night Race and the Li-Ning runs! I'll keep you posted with my updates regarding this another exciting back-to-back runs! See you on the road! (Runner Rocky)
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Energizer Night Race
Li-Ning Manila Run
RU2 2015
Run United 2 2015
Runner Rocky
Running Events
World Vision Run 2015
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