#ItlogLusogEveryDay: A Recap of An Egg-Themed Fun Run for a Healthy and Fit Family

The month of November 2016 opened with a run promoting health and fitness for the whole family via an egg-themed fun run, the Eggciting Adventure Family Fun Run!

Egg is really one of the nutrious food every fitness enthusiast takes. And yes, yours truly Runner Rocky is one of them making this as my souce of protein keeping my body fit and healthy. Therefore, I'm glad that I'm one of the chosen promoters in inviting the members of the family to join and participate in this fun event.

Here is a recap of this eggciting event:   

“An egg a day everyday or itlog lusog everyday, this is my commitment in building a healthy nation of many generations.”

This was an excerpt from the egg pledge delivered during the Eggciting Adventure Family Fun Run program. 

Last November 6, 2016, almost 1500 runners from different parts of the country gathered at SM Mall of Asia by the Bay and participated the first-ever Eggciting Adventure Family Fun Run, a charity run that aimed to fight hunger and stunting in the country. Powered by Guerilla Race, The Philippine Egg Board Association together with The Good Egg by Sarimanok joined forces in encouraging the nation to be an advocate of “one egg a day” everyday for good health. 

Egg is an affordable source of nutrition for it has essential nutrients, proteins, vitamins and minerals that is good for overall health. Contrary to popular belief that egg causes heart problem and high cholesterol level,  several studies show that eating an egg everyday does not increase the risk of heart disease. Thus, it has no effect on blood cholesterol level. 

The Eggciting Adventure Family Fun Run began with a 10-kilometer run at five in the morning followed by 5K, 3K, 1K and 500-meter dash for children. Every participant was motivated to run as quickly as they can as exciting prizes and freebies awaited them. Also to mention, the golden egg trophies were up for grabs for those who will finish the race in the shortest time possible. 

After the run, a zumba presentation led by Nick Manjares of Aero “J” Fitness Club of Santa Rosa, Laguna was conducted. Likewise, there was a samurai demonstration by the Fitness Factory. 

Free eggs were distributed for the egg toast ceremony. This ceremony was joined by the following: Mr. Clint Escondo, Vice President of Univet Nutrition and Animal Healthcare Co., (UNAHCO), Ms. Riel Andaluz, Senior Manager for Corporate Partnerships of Save the Children Philippines, Lt. Col. Dennis Bumanglag, Race Director and Head of Guerilla Race,  Mr. Edwin Mapanao, Assistant Vice President of The Good Egg Sarimanok,  Dr.Fe Marie Alejandre-Colico, Poultry Business Unit Head of Sarimanok Poultry Feeds and Ms. Veronica Ramos, Marketing Director, Aldenver Marketing, Inc. 

Right after the egg toast ceremony, the heads from different organizations signed their names on the giant egg replica as display of support to this worthwhile endeavor. 

Meanwhile, Dr.Fe Marie Alejandre-Colico of Sarimanok led the “egg pledge”. This was organizers’ and participants’  commitment to uphold “one egg a day” advocacy. On the said pledge, they sworn to consume one egg a day everyday to increase daily requirements of essential nutrients, proteins, vitamins and minerals. This commitment will help in keeping away from micronutrient deficiency as well as allevating hunger and malnutrition. 

A storytelling session about the benefits of egg to one’s health was done to entertain and educate families especially children participants. 

The funds raised in this event will go to Save the Children Philippines and AFP Educational Benefit System Office (AFPEMBSO). 

For race results, visit the official website: www.myruntime.com.

The Eggciting Adventure Family Fun Run was made possible with the help of the following sponsors: The Philippine Egg Board, The Good Egg by Sarimanok Poultry Feeds, DSM Nutritional Products and in partnership with  Deuter Philippines, Mega Fiber, AquaBest, F45 Gym, Vita Coco, Blackwater, Ascorbic Acid Ceelin, Ascorbic Acid Zinc Ceelin Plus, Tiki-Tiki, Nutroplex, Nutrilin, Growee, Ferlin, Slimmers’ World, Curves, The Philippine Barter Association together with The Philippine Star, Abante, AgriTV, The Philippines Event , Business Mirror, Zen Health, RX Plus, SM Accessories, When In Manila, Sam and Mard Show, My Run Time, Team Run Direction, Travel Plus, Philippine Graphic, The FitnessFactory, Johnson Health Tech Philippines, Inc. , Purple Ink, 8 Tri Media.

For additional information, please contact: Veronica Ramos – PR and Marketing Director of Aldenver Marketing Inc and Guerilla Race at 0927-8484533 / 0998-9565231 or aldenver.veronicaramos@gmail.com (Runner Rocky)

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Runner Rocky

Known as Runner Rocky, Rocky Batara is the owner of this website. He is an IT expert, a licensed IT Project Manager & Scrum Master by profession and a Blogger and Digital Content Creator by passion and hobby. He loves to blog about lifestyle, celebrities, entertainment, tech, sports, and fitness giving rise to his 6 major active websites. Rocky is also active in Social Media such as in YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok since he loves to take videos and photos of different things including interviewing celebrities and different personalities. You may follow Rocky on Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram via his username @therunnerrocky and on YouTube at @RunnerRocky. Meanwhile for inquiries, collaborations, and event invites, feel free to send him email at: rockenroll_04@yahoo.com.

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