Video: Slimmers World Great Bodies 2016 Winners Revealed, Pio Luz and Loujen Saldo are the Champions!

Slimmers World, one of the country's leading fitness centers concluded the year with their annual fitness competition, the Slimmers World Great Bodies 2016.

This year's competition has a theme of warcraft, a popular battle online game wherein 29 finalist (13 females and 16 males) vie for the title wherein the grand finals was held in the Newport Performing Arts and Theater, Resorts World Manila, November 15, 2016.

In the end, a marketing associate and a kickboxing trainor were hailed as the Mister and Miss Slimmers World Great Bodies 2016 Champions!

The Winners of the Mister and Miss Slimmers World Great Bodies 2016

The Top 10 Male and Female Finalists of the Slimmers World Great Bodies 2016

Pio Luz, a 23-year old marketing associate grabbed the Mr. Slimmers World Great Bodies 2016 championship title! Pio is also a finalist in the last April's Century Tuna Superbods Nation 2016 competition. He is also the current brand ambassador of NIKE and a running pacer in the brand's NIKe+ Run Club (NRC).

On the other hand, Loujen Saldo, a 29-year old kickboxing trainor bagged the Miss Slimmers World Great Bodies 2016 title.

Both Pio and Loujen are from Slimmers World's Pasay Road representatives.

Here is the live video coverage of the event announcing the winners. Let's all watch this:

Of course, yours truly Runner Rocky didn't missed a chance to have photo ops with the grand winners. Check out my photos with Pio and Loujen together with their huge heavy trophies below:

Pio Luz is the Mr. Slimmers World Great Bodies 2016 Champion

Loujen Saldo is the Miss Slimmers World Great Bodies 2016 Champion

Other exciting videos which include the contestants' Question and Answer Portion as well as their sexy swim suit videos with high resolution photos will be shared on my next posts. 

Once more congratulations to all the winners! Keep on inspiring us to be more fit and sexy! (Runner Rocky)

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Runner Rocky

Known as Runner Rocky, Rocky Batara is the owner of this website. He is an IT expert, a licensed IT Project Manager & Scrum Master by profession and a Blogger and Digital Content Creator by passion and hobby. He loves to blog about lifestyle, celebrities, entertainment, tech, sports, and fitness giving rise to his 6 major active websites. Rocky is also active in Social Media such as in YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok since he loves to take videos and photos of different things including interviewing celebrities and different personalities. You may follow Rocky on Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram via his username @therunnerrocky and on YouTube at @RunnerRocky. Meanwhile for inquiries, collaborations, and event invites, feel free to send him email at:

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