Runner Rocky Celebrates 2nd Year Anniversary; Team Runner Rocky Officially Launched!

Established on November 24, 2014, this blog Runner Rocky or now stepped on its 2nd successful year. At the same time, my very own sports and social media team, the boygroup Team Runner Rocky was formed! 

These are two of the milestones of Runner Rocky. And these definitely calls for a celebration! Therefore 12 days before its actually anniversary, November 12, yours truly celebrated my blog's second year blogversary at the same officially launched my very own boygroup!

The Blog Runner Rocky Celebrates 2nd Year Anniversary Turns 2

A simple celebration but with great impact, the gang had their overnight party at the Grand Eastwood Palazzo in Quezon City. Five of the members namely Jumar Villanueva, Mark Sarical, Julius Ceasar Aquebay, Owel Rowel, and yours truly Rocky Chua graced the event.  

Though the other members wasn't able to attend, we still managed to celebrate with some activities that made the night livelyand surprising. 

Four of the Members of Team Runner Rocky in a Simple Celebration

Runner Rocky's Blog Annivesary and Team Runner Rocky's Official Launch

Four of the Members of Team Runner Rocky Enjoyed the Party!

The official launch of Team Runner Rocky also revealed the team's shirt. And we wore it for the very first time in the night's party.

One of the funniest and wackiest activity that we had was the cake party! This made our face dirty as you can see in our photos below:

Team Runner Rocky Went Wacky!

The 5 Members of Team Runner Rocky Enjoyed the Cake Party!

A Boygroup... A Barkada 

More of our cool photos during the event were also uploaded in our official Facebook Fanpage via this link: 2nd Year Anniversary and Team Runner Rocky Launch ALBUM

Team Runner Rocky is a boyband inspired sports, events, and social media team. It is composed of 10 members All Boys. Hence a boygroup! Our official tagline: "The Boygroup of Sports and Online Community!" 

The 10 Members of Team Runner Rocky are the following: Rocky Chua Batara, Romeo Briones Jr., Nelson Cuevas, Mark Sarical, Mark Pizarra, Teng Lequin, Jumar Villanueva, Julius Ceasar Aquebay, Owel Rowel, and Kenmark Ladrillono. And they have their own designation and function in the team which I have already shared with you on my previous blog post. 

The team is now popular because of our very own video spiels in a TVC (TV Commercial) format we have created to promote an event or to share information to the viewers and netizens. 

We're Ready for a Morning Swim After the Night's Party!'s 2nd Year Anniversary was Also Team Runner Rocky's Official Launch!

Now on my 8TH year of blogging, and Team Runner Rocky are only two of my achievements in my blogging and running hobbies which will definitely serve as inspiration, motivation, and fitspiration to all of you! We're very much willing to serve as your role models.

Until next year and hoping for more years that we're together! Toast to our success! (Runner Rocky)  

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Runner Rocky

Known as Runner Rocky, Rocky Batara is the owner of this website. He is an IT expert, a licensed IT Project Manager & Scrum Master by profession and a Blogger and Digital Content Creator by passion and hobby. He loves to blog about lifestyle, celebrities, entertainment, tech, sports, and fitness giving rise to his 6 major active websites. Rocky is also active in Social Media such as in YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok since he loves to take videos and photos of different things including interviewing celebrities and different personalities. You may follow Rocky on Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram via his username @therunnerrocky and on YouTube at @RunnerRocky. Meanwhile for inquiries, collaborations, and event invites, feel free to send him email at:

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