Pain and Acceptance Rolled Into One as the MMA Series "Kingdom" Steps Into Its Season Finale

Runner Rocky loves to feature different real-life action such us live sports coverage, obstacle races or extreme sports like MMA. But aside from our real-life coverage or reality TV shows, there is also fictional stories which feature extreme sports in a TV series. And one of these is the hit American TV series called "Kingdom" that features the Mixed Martial Arts.

In my previous post, I've already shared with you about this series specially its first and second seasons. And this time, let's continue our story-telling as we step up to the finale of its third part. 

About a year has passed since the heart-wrenching Season 2 finale of American mixed martial arts drama Kingdom, but while the motley crew of Navy St. Gym seems to have undergone plenty of change, Season 3 makes it clear that some things remain the same.

Kingdom comes back with Alvey Kulina (Frank Grillo) deciding to get off his antidepressants and learning to come to terms with his identity as a fighter, a father, and a son.

Jay Kulina (Jonathan Tucker)—now a family man—tries his hand on real estate, but inevitably returns to his old dysfunctional self after being fired for getting caught fighting with Ryan Wheeler (Matt Lauria). Ryan, on the other hand, suddenly has to cope with his roommate’s murky past, as well as his own penchant for violence.

As for Jay’s little brother, Nate (Nick Jonas) may have grown as a fighter since the last season, but with rumors about his sexuality catching up, he has to start mustering a different kind of courage to tell his father, Alvey, his secret.

With the third and final season coming to a close, will the boys of Navy St. Gym finally learn to accept their true selves as they return to the cage?

Don’t miss the last remaining episodes of Kingdom every Friday, 10PM, express from the US, first and exclusive on RTL CBS Extreme. RTL CBS Extreme is available on SKYcable HD channel 209, Destiny Cable Digital channel 104, Cablelink HD channel 310.

This is another great US TV series to watch out if you're a lover of both action and drama series. 07/25/2017 (Runner Rocky) 

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Runner Rocky

Known as Runner Rocky, Rocky Batara is the owner of this website. He is an IT expert, a licensed IT Project Manager & Scrum Master by profession and a Blogger and Digital Content Creator by passion and hobby. He loves to blog about lifestyle, celebrities, entertainment, tech, sports, and fitness giving rise to his 6 major active websites. Rocky is also active in Social Media such as in YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok since he loves to take videos and photos of different things including interviewing celebrities and different personalities. You may follow Rocky on Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram via his username @therunnerrocky and on YouTube at @RunnerRocky. Meanwhile for inquiries, collaborations, and event invites, feel free to send him email at:

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