Prepare Yourself for the Runrio Trilogy 2017's Afroman Distance

After the success of the first leg, we're on our way to conquer the second leg of the country's much anticipated running series, the Runrio Trilogy.

Dubbed as the "Afroman Distance" because of the 32K category as the highest distance on this leg, the Runrio Trilogy 2017 Leg 2 is set to take place on August 13, 2017 at the Okada Manila.

There are 4 distance categories on this leg namely the 5K, 10K, 21K, and 32K. Except for the 5K category, all the finishers will receive a finisher medal. 21K and 32K finishers will have finisher shirt.

Check out below the designs of the race and finisher shirts:

Yeah, if blue is for leg 1, black then is the color theme of this second leg.

Now let's check the medal design and sizes below: 

Meanwhile, Registration Fees are as follow:

32K – P2,000
21K – P1,800
10K – P1,400
5K – P1,100

Registration is currently on-going. You may register online via the link below:

Registered runners will receive the following inclusions: a race singlet, a race bib, a string bag, and a Gatorade Hydrogrip bottle.

Check out below two of the finisher's inclusions:

A Sling Bag with Sponsors' Goodies After Finishing the Race 

A Gatorade Hydro Grip for All the Finishers

And of course, take note of the following:

Gun Start:
32K – 2:00 AM
21K – 3:30 AM
10K – 4:50 AM
5K – 5:00 AM

Cut Off:
32K – 6 Hours
21K – 4 Hours
10K – 2 Hours
5K – 1 Hour

So are you ready runners?! Register now and let's complete together the trilogy! Be this Runrio Trilogy 2017 Leg 2 your recovery race after the 41st National Milo Marathon which is set on July 30. Good luck! 07/12/2017 (Runner Rocky)

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Runner Rocky

Known as Runner Rocky, Rocky Batara is the owner of this website. He is an IT expert, a licensed IT Project Manager & Scrum Master by profession and a Blogger and Digital Content Creator by passion and hobby. He loves to blog about lifestyle, celebrities, entertainment, tech, sports, and fitness giving rise to his 6 major active websites. Rocky is also active in Social Media such as in YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok since he loves to take videos and photos of different things including interviewing celebrities and different personalities. You may follow Rocky on Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram via his username @therunnerrocky and on YouTube at @RunnerRocky. Meanwhile for inquiries, collaborations, and event invites, feel free to send him email at:

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