Organique Launches Its First Ever Purple Run 2017

Organique, the leading International brand of food supplements which brought us the Acai health juice and capsule launches its very first health and wellness run dubbed as the Purple Run 2017.

The race will be led by Organique celebrity endorser Regine Tolentino who will also share with us her zumba steps right after the race.

Regine Tolentino To Lead Us in the First Ever Purple Run 2017

Team Runner Rocky had an exclusive one-on-one interview with Regine which we will share on our next post. For the meantime, let's talk more about this Organique fun run.

The Organique Purple Run 2016 will be on October 8, 2017 at McKinley West, BGC with distances of 3K, 5K, and 10K respectively. The race is organized by RG Events.   

Below are the purple singlet and finisher shirt:

The registration fee is only Php450. There is an online registration at

Onsite registration are also available at OLYMPIC VILLAGE in the following branches:

 Meanwhile, below are the medal designs for the 3 categories:

The assembly and gunstart are as follow:

10KM - 5:00AM - 5:30AM
5KM - 5:00AM - 5:35AM
3KM - 5:00AM - 5:40AM

And here are the three BIB designs:

On our next post, we'll share with you our live video coverage and interviews! So stay tune folks! 08/23/2017 (Runner Rocky)

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Runner Rocky

Known as Runner Rocky, Rocky Batara is the owner of this website. He is an IT expert, a licensed IT Project Manager & Scrum Master by profession and a Blogger and Digital Content Creator by passion and hobby. He loves to blog about lifestyle, celebrities, entertainment, tech, sports, and fitness giving rise to his 6 major active websites. Rocky is also active in Social Media such as in YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok since he loves to take videos and photos of different things including interviewing celebrities and different personalities. You may follow Rocky on Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram via his username @therunnerrocky and on YouTube at @RunnerRocky. Meanwhile for inquiries, collaborations, and event invites, feel free to send him email at:


  1. Very interesting topic, appreciate it for posting.

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