#TeamRunnerRocky to Lead your Way in the 2017 Amway Nutrilite Health Run

The Amway Nutrilite Health Run is back with a bang! Yes, this year's edition of this running event is truly more exciting than its previous editions!

Then what makes this race different from the previous years?!

Well, first of all, this running event is now organized by Runrio Inc., the premier race organizer in the country who handles running events of high caliber. 

Second, the boygroup of sports and digital community Team Runner Rocky will be in full force to guide the runners in their way not only in the finish line but also to reach their desired PR (personal record).

Check out Team RR's primer poster below:

This race is also a welcome race to our new members namely Blide Belo Bautista and Adrian Morales. 

Completing this Sunday's casts are Erik Valenzuela, Nelson Cuevas, Mark Sarical, Homer Cunanan Glean, Romeo Miyo Briones, Julius Ceasar Aquebay, and yours truly Rocky Chua  Batara with special participation of Michelle Theona-Cuevas. Our official team photographer Mark Pizarra will also be there to capture your running moments!

And of course, expect for some guest runners and friends of Team RR.

This year's edition of Nutrilite Health Run is also the first year to have its 21K category. And for its half marathon, it will give medals to its successful finishers!

And of course, the bragging rights of this race is that, you can enjoy this high caliber race with a quality tech shirt at the most affordable price! Truly sound great!

Meanwhile, let me share again some photos of the media launch of Amway Nutrilite Health Run 2017 months ago where Team Runner Rocky took part:

Team RR with Runrio's Rio Dela Cruz and Amway's Ms. Dulce

Team RR trio's Homer, Miyo, and Rocky

The Team Runner Rocky Hand Sign!

Team RR's Chinitos Rocky and Homer!

Advance Carboloading Months Before the Race! :)

So see you all this Sunday, October 15, 2017, at the SM Mall of Asia Running Grounds and run with the boygroup! We lead, we inspire! #TRR! 10/14/2017 (Runner Rocky)

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Runner Rocky

Known as Runner Rocky, Rocky Batara is the owner of this website. He is an IT expert, a licensed IT Project Manager & Scrum Master by profession and a Blogger and Digital Content Creator by passion and hobby. He loves to blog about lifestyle, celebrities, entertainment, tech, sports, and fitness giving rise to his 6 major active websites. Rocky is also active in Social Media such as in YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok since he loves to take videos and photos of different things including interviewing celebrities and different personalities. You may follow Rocky on Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram via his username @therunnerrocky and on YouTube at @RunnerRocky. Meanwhile for inquiries, collaborations, and event invites, feel free to send him email at: rockenroll_04@yahoo.com.

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