Media Launch: Team Runner Rocky Covers the Runrio Trilogy 2018 Race Series and Awards Night

For the second time around, Team Runner Rocky took part covering the premier running event trilogy in the country, the Runrio Trilogy Race Series. The event once more took place in Okada, Manila on the night of February 7, 2018.

The event was not only the announcement of the Runrio Trilogy 2018, it was also an awarding ceremony honoring the runner awardees of the runners who successfully completed the 21K-32K-42K categories of the 2017 Runrio Trilogy Race Series.

The awards did not only recognized the participants but also honored the fastest and the oldest finishers. All awardees received a limited edition medal hanger.

“The RUNRIO Trilogy Awards is our way of showing our appreciation to all those who participated and gave everything they’ve got fueled by their #HeartToFinish strong,” said Andrew Neri, RUNRIO Events, Inc. Managing Partner.

The Awards Night Honoring the Runner Awardees of the 2017 Runrio Trilogy at the Same Time Presscon of  their 2018 Activities

Runner Awardees Upstage with Runrio

The Q&A Part About the Runrio Trilogy 2018 Race Series and the Line-Up of Activities for the Year

The event also announced the scheduled of races for 2018 as the RUNRIO Trilogy Race Series expands its presence in Cebu. This year, the first leg of the race series will be held on March 4 in Cebu and on March 18 (a day before my birthday) in Manila. The second leg will be in Cebu this time on May 6 and again in Manila on June 3. The last leg will be on August 19 and again on September 23 in Cebu and Manila, respectively.

Running enthusiasts can also look forward to more exciting running activities in store for everyone. First is the 5k Family Run. For this race, teams must consist of two adults and two kids. Each kid must be 15 years or below to qualify. The 5k Barkada Run, on the other hand, is open to four adults each of whom must be 16 years of age or older. There is also the 10k Buddy Run which, is also for participants 16 years old and above.

As an added incentive for runners, participants who register in groups are entitled to a substantial discount on the registration fees.

Meanwhile, let's check out below the actual medal and the actual running event tech shirt for the Leg 1 (Half Marathon) of the series presented during the launch:

The Actual Medal of the Leg 1 (Half Marathon) of the Runrio Trilogy 2018

The Actual Running Event Shirt with the Finisher Medal of the Leg 1 of the Trilogy

Yours truly Runner Rocky is also a proud awardee after I successfully completed the trilogy last year with distances of 21K (Half Marathon), 32K (Afroman Distance), and 42K (Philippine Marathon) respectively.

Though I was not physically present during the awards night due to conflict with other schedule, my heart is still with the Runrio Trilogy! #HeartToFinish!

Runner Rocky is a Proud Awardee of the Runrio Trilogy 2017 Race Series

To cover the event for the team, three of the Team Runner Rocky members were present. They were Nelson Cuevas, Homer Glean, and Julius Cesar Barot.

It was Nelson and Homer's second time around to cover the Runrio Trilogy Race Series. They were with me last year on its fist grand relaunch. And yes, Nelson and Homer were not new in the Runrio presscons since they already covered different Runrio media launch events for various times now.

Meanwhile our new member Julius Cesar is on his very first time to cover a media launch like this. The Runrio Trilogy Race Series 2018 press launch is a very good start for him!  

Team Runner Rocky Trio Gwapo Before the Program Start

#TeamRR's Julius Cesar Barot on His First Presscon with the Team 

#TeamRR's Homer Glean Second Time for Runrio's Trilogy Presscon

Team Runner Rocky on All Access Coverage Together with the Other Media

Moreover, the evening also served as an opportunity for RUNRIO to present YesPinoy Foundation with a PhP500,000.00 donation. Founded in 2009, the foundation in partnership with Taclob, produces emergency bags made by survivors of Typhoon Yolanda. The aim is to provide hooded cloak backpacks with emergency kits and learner’s materials to young people in vulnerable public schools particularly those in areas affected by Typhoons.

The RUNRIO Trilogy was made possible by its other partners, namely, Gatorade, Maynilad, Garmin, SM Mall of Asia, Nyxsys, Inside Manila, Fitbar, KitKat, Efes, Nizoral, Salonpas, and Milcu Deodorant Powder.

Team Runner Rocky on the Runrio Trilogy Race Series Wall. Good Job Team!
Registration is currently on-going. You may register online via Runrio's website at or go directly to the selected sports stores for the on-site registration.

Great job Team Runner Rocky specially to the trio Nelson, Homer, and Julius Cesar for successfully accomplishing this task! #GoodJob! See you all runners on the race day and run with the boygroup of sports and digital community! 02/09/2018 (Runner Rocky)

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Runner Rocky

Known as Runner Rocky, Rocky Batara is the owner of this website. He is an IT expert, a licensed IT Project Manager & Scrum Master by profession and a Blogger and Digital Content Creator by passion and hobby. He loves to blog about lifestyle, celebrities, entertainment, tech, sports, and fitness giving rise to his 6 major active websites. Rocky is also active in Social Media such as in YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok since he loves to take videos and photos of different things including interviewing celebrities and different personalities. You may follow Rocky on Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram via his username @therunnerrocky and on YouTube at @RunnerRocky. Meanwhile for inquiries, collaborations, and event invites, feel free to send him email at:

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