Playing Colors While Enjoying Quality of the Uratex Monoblock Classic 101 Chairs | Product Review

Yours truly Runner Rocky is artistic in my own ways. Whether in fashion blending my style in the different events that I have attended or in my own home where I mix and match my favorite things, arts, style and design are three of the words I always consider. And I'm so glad that Uratex Monoblock fits me well!

When we hear the term Uratex, the first thing that comes on our mind is either bed, foams, or sleeping essentials. But did you know that Uratex is also one of the pioneer manufacturers of high quality monoblocks? And just recently, they celebrated their 30TH Uratex Monoblock Anniversary! And I'm proud that I've joined them in their prestige celebration!   

Talking about the Uratex Monoblock chairs, they are not just high quality and durable, they also come in various designs and styles to suit our taste and lifestyle! The Classic 101 chair is the brand's flagship product.  

When I checked some of our chairs in our old home, I'm amaze that we are already a Uratex Monoblock Classic 101 users since 2009. My mom trusted this brand because of its quality, durability, and toughness not to mention that these Classic 101 chairs are budget-friendly! And yeah those Uratex Monoblock Classic 101 chairs bought 14 years ago were still alive! I'm still using them in our kitchen, in our outdoor when we want to relax and breath fresh air, and even in my working table when I'm finishing my tasks and backlogs! And take note that those chairs in mint green color are not faded - they still have their original mint green color with no stain!

Being a stylish person like me, I love that the Uratex Monoblock Classic 101 chairs come in lovely candy colors! Aside from the mint green that I have mentioned, you can also choose other colors like yellow, cherry, white, or flesh. What more, they also come in shades of marble! And since red is my favorite color, I have chose the cherry one! Yeah, red also describes my personality being a courageous and romantic person that's why this chair in cherry variant suits me well! 

The below pictures show my new cherry Uratex Monoblock Classic 101 chair. Just beside it are our old mint green Uratex Monoblocks:

What more exciting about this Uratex Monoblock is that it is both BPS and ISO level 5 certified! It is safe and durable, can withstand time, and can hold up to 200 kilos! Remember, our old Uratex Monoblock Classic 101 chairs bought in 2009 are still alive and useful up to this date?! We can even put heavy things on top of these chairs such as 4 sacks of rice (50 kilograms each) or heavy equipment that we are fixing!      

With its outstanding high-standard quality and features that I have discussed, the Uratex Monoblock perfectly defines its official hashtag, #BawalAngMarupok! And I can attest to that!    

Do you also owning or using a Uratex Monoblock chair? What's your experience with it? Feel free to share your feedback here in my website or in my other social media platforms!

Again, thank you and happy 30TH Anniversary Uratex Monoblock! Cheers for more exciting years to come! 02/19/2023 (Runner Rocky)


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Runner Rocky

Known as Runner Rocky, Rocky Batara is the owner of this website. He is an IT expert, a licensed IT Project Manager & Scrum Master by profession and a Blogger and Digital Content Creator by passion and hobby. He loves to blog about lifestyle, celebrities, entertainment, tech, sports, and fitness giving rise to his 6 major active websites. Rocky is also active in Social Media such as in YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok since he loves to take videos and photos of different things including interviewing celebrities and different personalities. You may follow Rocky on Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram via his username @therunnerrocky and on YouTube at @RunnerRocky. Meanwhile for inquiries, collaborations, and event invites, feel free to send him email at:

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